Once upon a time this fairy-tale castle must have been a magnificient residence. Fortunately, it has been roofed after some parts of the building collapsed. The complex also includes a chapel, which unfortunately has been heavily vandalized.
Once upon a time this fairy-tale castle must have been a magnificient residence. Fortunately, it has been roofed after some parts of the building collapsed. The complex also includes a chapel, which unfortunately has been heavily vandalized.
A recently abandoned mansion which suggests that the owners must have left all of a sudden. It was rather impressive that nobody so far had taken any of the loose change from the kitchen table. Hopefully it is still there.
Found in an partly abandoned castle which luckily was open.
Some of the impressions we captured during our one week trip through Newfoundland, Canada.
An evening at the annual spring fair in Graz, Austria.
These images originate from a three day weekend trip to southern Iceland in Januar 2015.
Impressions from a one-week-trip to the largest island of the Acores archipelago in October 2014 – including a visit to the nearby Santa Maria island.
An abandoned glass house in Iceland which used to be heated with thermal spring water running through pipes on the floor and along the walls.